Force Analysis about Riding a Self-balancing Two-wheel Scooter

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: If you want to ride the hoverbaords well, it's necessary to understand force analysis about riding a self-balancing scooter. This knowledge benefits you when you learn to ride it.

Here, we standing for all consumers require manufacturers to make good products like some strong brands Solowheel, Airwheel, and IO Hwak.


In California, a new law that passes at the start of the year will make it perfectly OK to ride your board in bike lanes and pathways (helmets required). It's a piece of good news for players of scooters. Although the knowledge is a little boring as if you went back to school for Physics lessons, it's much better than textbook knowledge.


After turning on the power button, you're standing still on your new two-wheeled self-balancing scooter. Since just standing isn't much fun, you want to move forth. It means you must accelerate.

Here's what happens when you accelerate on a hoverboard. You have to rotate your ankles to turn on the electric motor in the board, but you must also lean forward. If you don't lean forward, you fall backward. Trust me on this and don't try it yourself. Let's consider a moment a moment during this brief hoverboard acceleration.


Three forces act on the rider when he is standing on the scooter. One is the force of the floor pushing on the road. This force has an upward component to keep the rider from falling and a horizontal friction component that accelerates the electric hoverboard. Another is the gravitational force due to the accelerated motion of the rider. This is the equivalent gravitational force due to the accelerated motion of the rider. The sum of these two gravitational force vectors would be directly along the line of his body such that in his reference frame he would feel like he is standing vertically. And sane thing happens when a hoverboard slows down

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