A Good Way to Solve the Problem of Tail Gas—Airwheel Electric Scooter

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: In the modern society, car is the indispensable transport for people. Since the first car appeared in 1886, it brings huge convenience for people’s life and work and becomes one of the pillars of modern material civilization. But people should also realize the problems caused by tail gas. Airwheel electric scooter is a good way to solve the problem of tail gas. 

In the modern society, car is the indispensable transport for people. Since the first car appeared in 1886, it has brought huge convenience for people’s life and work and became one of the pillars of modern material civilization. But people should also realize the problems caused by tail gas.

electric scooter

The harms of tail gas can be mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, it does harm to people’s health. The tail gas contains carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and many other solid particles that cause bad effect to people’s body. Among them, the most harmful one is lead. When people inhale the tail gas that contains lead, the lead will be transferred to the skeleton and stay there. Large number of lead inside the body may cause lead poisoning, cardiovascular system diseases and abnormal liver function. What’s worse, the solid particles of tail gas may also cause diseases of respiratory system like lung cancer, bronchitis, asthma as well as bladder cancer. 

Secondly, the nitric oxide and sulfur monoxide of tail gas causes acid rain. It damages ecological environment and forest resources and reduces agricultural productivity. Thirdly, the carbon dioxide of tail gas makes greenhouse effect, which is the reason for global warming and sea level rise. 

Airwheel Q5

Since the tail gas of car is so harmful to the health of people and the environment, what can people do to solve this problem? Riding Airwheel instead of driving cars is a good idea. Airwheel electric unicycle is powered by electricity, so it won’t release any tail gas. If more people can choose electric self-balancing scooter as their daily transport, the environment will becomes cleaner, the air will gets fresher and people will have healthier body. 

As a member of the society, everybody should do something to solve the problem of tail gas. Let’s make a better world with Airwheel electric scooter. 

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